
Thought I'd try MAUI for my double screen video attempt

.NET MAUI Data Binding with MVVM & XAML Damn this declarative stuff is confusing.  No DB access their either.

difference between field and property in c#

In C#, a field is a variable (that can be of any type) that is defined inside a class. It can be used to define the characteristics of an object or a class. On the other hand, a property is a member of the class that provides an abstraction to set (write) and get (read) the value of a private field. Generally fields are private, as the point of a property is you have getter and setter code-handled capabilities.

Microsoft's own course checked keyword was new to me [pt8] integers: integer, long and bigint... int a = (int)42.1      float is 32 bit,  double is 64 bit. However this is all BS:  So as usual go for decimal... But instead of D we use M [pt12]  var keyword to avoid repetition when right-side strongly typed. [pt13] ^ operator and [2..4]  oh, that's start at 2 and up to but not included 4 names = [..names."Damian"]  is a new c# feature.    <why?>


 Seems I done a lot of these, but there might be some gems in this list



Repository Pattern, Interfaces and Dependency Injection

  This guy's made a clear video here.  Demostrating use of Repository Pattern, Interfaces and Dependency Injection.  Need to implement this in one of my projects